Your 75 Hard Style Challenge is Over… Now What?


At the beginning of this year, chronically online fashion girlies embarked on their personal Camino de Santiago, an invention of our fav style forecaster Mandy Lee, aka @oldloserinbrooklyn, known as the 75 Hard Style Challenge. This challenge caught our attention for its insightful exploration of personal style and deep-rooted embrace of slow fashion principles. We’re well into 2024 now, and many baddies are wrapping up the challenge they started in the early months of the year. Like with the end of any long-term commitment, there comes a moment when one must ask, “Okay, now that that's done, what's next?” 

What is the 75 Hard Style Challenge?

Inspired by the well-known 75 Hard Workout Challenge, the 75 Hard Style Challenge was created by Mandy Lee at the start of this year and tailored specifically to fashion. This challenge will help you cultivate a more mindful relationship with clothing and gain a deeper understanding of your style. 

TL;DR – during this challenge, you

  • Declutter your closet

  • Set goals and intentions

  • Commit to dressing up every day for 75 days without purchasing any new clothes and 

  • Document each outfit


75 Hard Style Challenge rules by @oldloserinbrooklyn


Your Post-75 Hard Style Challenge Meditation

We recommend finishing things as you started them: by taking time to reflect on the challenge. Grab a pen and paper, and jot down your insights about your style and what you've learned about this no-buy period.

If you're unsure where to start, here are a few journal prompts to guide your reflection:

  • What are the main lessons you've learned from the style challenge?

  • Describe the style you found yourself gravitating towards the most. 

  • Which pieces did you resist purchasing? 

  • Which pieces did you wear the most?

  • How have these lessons impacted your personal style and shopping behaviors?

  • Did you notice any shifts in the aesthetics you typically favor?

  • How do you feel about shopping now that the challenge is over?

  • Compare your initial reflection at the start of the challenge to your current perspective. What notable changes have occurred?

This is an opportune moment to revisit your closet and consider decluttering, repurposing, or upcycling clothing that no longer aligns with your style or values.


∞ Day Sustainable Style Challenge

You may have noticed some fundamental sustainable fashion principles that should guide your ongoing relationship with clothing and style. Don’t rush back to buy every beautiful piece you see on Depop. Instead, continue making mindful purchases, supporting small and sustainable brands, shopping secondhand and vintage, repairing and upcycling your clothes, and considering renting or borrowing for variety without long-term commitments.

One of the most valuable lessons that the 75 Hard Style Challenge can teach is that whatever you’re passionate about enough to dedicate 75 straight days of your life to, you should approach it intentionally. In the context of personal style, it's a reminder that your passion for fashion can align with care for nature and the planet, and in the infinite 75-day cycle of living life on earth, it’s a reminder that slowing down is the key to true sustainability; extending and improving the quality of life of everything. Continue exploring creative ways to style your existing pieces rather than relying solely on Pinterest for inspiration, which can sometimes foster FOMO rather than genuine creativity. Maintain a record of your outfits by taking quick mirror selfies and organizing them in an album in your photo app. This practice not only helps you understand your style preferences but also serves as a practical tool for making informed clothing choices and refining your wardrobe in the future. 


Embracing Your Personal Style

Now, it’s time to embrace your personal style and be free from the anxiety of being perceived as cringe! Expressing your individuality through fashion is empowering. Fear and anxiety (or what I like to call fashion FOMO) can drive overconsumption. Instead, focus on aligning your style choices with your values and preferences. Consider what clothing makes you feel confident, comfortable, and authentic. Your personal style should reflect who you are and allow you to express yourself authentically without being influenced by external pressures. 

Check out other people's wrap-up thoughts!

If you’re curious to hear the conclusions other fashion girlies have come to once completing the 75 Hard Style Challenge, here are a few that tickled our brains: 

Laini Ozark:


Lindsey Rem

Have you done the 75 Hard Style Challenge? What were your biggest takeaways?