What to do When you Realize that your New Thrifted Jeans have a Poop Stain

by Zibby Trewartha-Weiner


Look, it happens to the best of us. The first thing you need to remember is that it really is going to be okay. But I've been there, I've lived it, and I'm going to give you the insight on my best tips for dealing with the realization that your perfect thrifted find is maybe not so perfect after all. 

Accept your Pants Former Life- at the end of the day your pants had a life before they found you. I understand that it can be easier to pretend that they never experienced anything prior, but this is just reality when you thrift. Every piece of clothing that you buy from a thrift store has a story. It is important for us to honor the deep history of each piece we purchase. Remembering that your pants existed outside of your sphere will help you accept them for who they are. You can't know everything about them before you, so don't try to! So what, if your pants have been shit in? At least your pants have lived a life. And honestly, can you say that about yourself? Have some respect. 

Have you Tried Stain Remover - I know this sounds too good to be true, but as someone who has lived this, sometimes a simple trip to the laundromat can really solve all your problems. It might shock you, but many people donate clothes that have not been washed. Throw those stained pants in the wash, add a dash of oxi clean, put it on spin cycle and let the magic happen. The only challenge left is trying to forget that a stranger once pooped in your pants. 

Flaunt it with Style - At the end of the day, no one cares about a little poop if your ass looks amazing. If these really are your perfect pants and you can rock them into oblivion than what are you worried about? I mean really, isn't there something kind of hot about a person who is honest about a poop stain? There is power in accepting and celebrating your pants past life if you look good doing it. 

Pants are pants and poop is poop. If you like the pants enough a little poop won’t deter you, but if there are other pants out there the poop might be too much for you to handle. Let the poop guide you — if the pants aren't worth it, let them go.