How to Host a Closet Sale: IRL or Online


There’s an aesthetic joy in dressing up, grabbing a drink, and heading to a flea market or thrift store with friends to source one-of-a-kind secondhand finds. However, another deeply personal pre-loved sale event often goes overlooked and is known only to fashion girlies in certain social circles: the closet sale! The closet sale is generally organized within friend groups or chosen online communities, inherently imbued with connection and closeness.

Closet sales are extra special because they offer a glimpse into the wardrobes of the people you know best, whether they’re close friends or online acquaintances. Hosting a closet sale is a chance to share pieces of your wardrobe with others who share your tastes and ensure your pieces find a home where they’ll be cherished. If you’ve considered hosting a closet sale but aren’t sure where to start, we’ve got you covered. Here’s our comprehensive guide to hosting a closet sale, both online and offline!

Pre-Sale Planning

Before hosting your sale, the first and most important step is sorting through your closet and selecting the pieces you want to let go of and sell. This can take some time, so put on your favorite playlist or a long podcast and start sifting.

To make things easier to identify later on, organize your items by category, such as tops, pants, accessories, etc., and separate them into any containers you have on hand. Select clean pieces in good condition; no one wants your stinky left sock! While you don’t have to wash everything before selling, it’s good practice to eliminate unpleasant odors like pit stenches.

IRL Closet Sale

  1. Choose a Location: Selecting the location will set the vibe of your sale and determine who can attend. Pick a place easily accessible to most of your followers or friends. You could set up on your stoop (but avoid publicly posting your address; instead, suggest DMing for address info), in a park, or check if your local flea market allows reservations for setting up a table!

  2. Get Your Friends to Join In! The more, the merrier will attract a larger crowd to your sale.

  3. Promote your sale on social media platforms a few weeks to a week in advance. This will help build the hype around the event, build community beforehand, and promote sustainability within your current social circles. However, again, be cautious about sharing location details publicly.

  4. Setting Up Create a curated experience for shoppers by decorating your space with knick-knacks from home and playing your favorite music (bring a speaker!). You could offer light snacks and refreshments if your budget permits.


  • Pack your clothing and set up materials in a suitcase! It helps transport heavy piles of clothing efficiently and if you don’t have a car, it's easier to take on public transport like the bus or subway.

  • Plan ahead by setting a rain date (if your sale is outdoors), budgeting for transportation to and from the event, and having cash on hand for those who prefer cash payments. Alternatively, provide a Zelle/Venmo QR code for convenient checkout options.

  • Bring hangers and a fold-out table, a clothes rack for curated-shop vibes, or use a large blanket to display your pieces.

  • Bring tote bags or grocery bags for people to transport items. This is especially helpful if you have a surplus of tote bags.

  • Have a measuring tape on hand so people can estimate how a garment will fit.

  • Price items with sticker labels, tags, or, if everything's the same price, make a pretty sign that says so!

Digital: AKA… The Story Sale

  1. Generate Hype! 

    Let people know about your story sale for about a week leading up to it. Set a reminder for your followers and share some of your favorite pieces in the days leading up.

  2. Take Nice Photos / Model Your Pieces 

    Marketing tactic babes, show your clothes in their best state laid out with a plain background, styled on a mannequin (if you have one), or share photos of yourself styling them.

  3. Include Measurements 

    Don't rely on S/M/L/XL alone; provide measurements like bust, waist, hips, and length where applicable so your viewers can tell if it will fit their body.

  4. Set Appropriate Pricing

    When setting prices, consider each piece’s age, brand, quality, and condition. You can also let people send offers.

  5. Establish Rules

    Inform people that it's first come, first served on your first story slide. Share your payment details and request any necessary information to ensure a smooth shipping process.

  6. Offer freebies if possible 

    Include small extras like fabric scraps, candy, or stickers in their package to show appreciation for their purchase <3

  7. Draft Your Story Posts

    Draft your story slides the day before so that come the time of the story sale, all you have to do is hit upload. 

Have you hosted a closet sale before?