6 Susty Summer Spirits

There is something meditative about measuring out a spirit, rattling your cocktail shaker, stirring your mixture, and pouring it into your latest vintage glassware find over fresh butterfly-shaped ice cubes. Like many large-scale production industries, energy used in the making, packaging, and shipping of spirits can lead to more waste. But sustainable living doesn’t mean you have to surrender your daydreams of running away to become a professional Aperol spritz-sipper on the Italian coast. Quite the opposite. Buying spirits from local purveyors that are made in smaller batches can return the practice of distilling back to its very natural roots. There are loads of distilleries and spirits brands that are going above and beyond in their sustainable production methods, paving the future for the food and beverage industry as a whole. 

1. Madre Mezcal


Madre Mezcal is made in Oaxaca using locally sourced ingredients that celebrate the natural environment. Originally made and distributed in reused plastic bottles moved throughout the Oaxacan area, Madre Mezcal has grown into a full-scale production, working with Mezcalores (local suppliers) in Oaxaca who hand-make mezcal guided by family recipes. Each Madre Mezcal expression is inspired by their Mezcalores’ recipes.   

2. Koskenkorva Vodka 


This susty vodka brand makes small-batch vodka using local ingredients, in a distillery that is run on bioenergy. Koskenkorva is working under a zero-waste model by utilizing 100% of all barley grain needed in the distilling process, and they have reached a 99% re-utilization rate as well as decreased their CO2 emissions by 50%. They are continuing to work toward becoming an entirely carbon-neutral distillery by 2025. 

3. Caledonia Spirits


Made in Vermont, Caledonia Spirits makes low-waste and low-impact gin and vodka using pollinator-friendly botanicals. Founded by a distiller and a beekeeper, this brand prioritizes making delicious spirits while also protecting and preserving bee populations in the Northeast. They make their spirits using raw honey from their local supply of bees and utilize honey bee-foraged botanicals to make signature flavors. 

4. Vikre Distillery 


Based out of Duluth, Minnesota, Vikre makes a variety of spirits and strives for a zero-waste model wherever possible. The largest source of waste when it comes to distilling is in the leftover spent grain and natural material. Vikre sends their wasted grain to be used as animal feed, or to organizations creating biogas, and whatever is leftover they are able to compost. Additionally, they are particular about composting and recycling and have incorporated “close the loop” programs to encourage customers to return used bottles to be reused in production. 

5. Lo-Fi Aperitifs 


This vermouth and amaro aperitif brand makes aperitifs that utilize local botanicals, herbs, and wines to create a sweet sipping experience or an ingredient for your next fav cocktail. These aperitifs are made in California in small batches and can be found all over the country. 

6. Suncliffe Gin


This queer-owned gin brand makes drinks inspired by the natural environment of Arizona. Suncliffe Gin is made with native and local juniper as well as other wild-foraged botanicals. They distill their product in copper stills through non-chill methods that help eliminate excess energy use.