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Susty Queers for Liberation

  • Washington Square Park | Chest Tables (map)

We’re here, we’re queer, we’re susty and we’re reclaiming pride!

Join Sustainable Baddie and Synergy Social NYC (led by creative and activist Laiyonelth Hurtado and co-founder Landi Hurtado) to gather and join Reclaim Pride Coalition’s Queer Liberation March on Sunday, June 30th. RSVP below to let us know you’re coming!

We will be meeting at 10:30 AM at Washington Square Park (see map) before joining the march.

Reclaim Pride Coalition (RPC) will be holding its 6th Queer Liberation March for Black, Brown, Queer, Trans, Gender Nonconforming, and Nonbinary Youth & Against War and Genocide. This march is about reclaiming the original expression of the march’s cultural legacy in NYC and resisting our country’s continuous attempts to erase LGBTQIA2S+’s existence and community, as well as standing against the many wars and genocides, including in Gaza, in the Congo, in Manipur, India, in Azerbaijan, in Ukraine, and in Zimbabwe. Learn more about the march here.

Follow @queermarch on IG.